Set Booking Limits

Negosyo Toolkit offers a convenient feature to add breaks between your scheduled events. You can customize these settings based on your preferences. Below is a detailed explanation of the limit and customization features in Negosyo Toolkit.

Before the Event

You can set a break time before your meeting begins. Simply specify the desired break duration in the meeting settings.

After the Event

You can also schedule a break period after your meeting ends. Add the break duration in the designated field for post-event breaks.

Minimum Notice

Prevent invitees from scheduling meetings without sufficient notice. For example, if you set a 1-hour minimum notice period, meetings cannot be booked within the next hour.

Time-Slot Intervals

Customize your meeting schedule by adjusting the time-slot intervals.

For instance, with a 30-minute interval, your schedule would show:
2:00 -> 2:30 -> 3:00
With a 10-minute interval, it would display:
2:00 -> 2:10 -> 2:20 -> 2:30, and so on.

Limit Booking Frequency

Control how often an event can be booked by setting limits for daily, weekly, or monthly bookings.

Limit Booking Duration

Specify the total time allowed for an event to restrict its duration.

Lock Timezone on Booking Page

Enable the Lock Timezone feature on the booking page to set a specific timezone for your events. This ensures that attendees cannot change the timezone. Select your preferred timezone from the dropdown menu. This option is particularly useful for in-person events.

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